
About Rabies

  • Rabies is acute viral encephalitis
  • Rabies is 100% fatal but easily preventable.
  • There is no specific treatment for rabies. Death is inevitable once clinical signs develop.
  • Every year, more than 20,000 people die of rabies in India. About 70% are children younger than 15 years.
  • Rabies is caused by bite, scratch or lick of dog, cat, monkey, or any wild animal. Rat bite cases do not require rabies vaccination.
  • Hydrophobia is the best known clinical feature of rabies and is typically unique to human beings.
  • Observation of an animal for 10 days from the day of biting for signs of rabies is applicable only to dogs and cats.

Two Types of Rabies:-

  • Furious type of rabies which has Fluctuating consciousness, Aerophobia, Hydrophobia, and Photophobia, increased salivation, Excessive Sweating.
  • Remaining patients present with paralysis- Dumb Rabies. Hydrophobia is usually absent in these cases.

PEP includes:-

  • Local treatment of wound(s)
  • Categorization of animal bite wound(s)
  • Anti Rabies Vaccination. (ARV)
  • Administration of Rabies Immunoglobulin (RIG)
  • In addition, Tetanus prophylaxis, analgesics & systemic antibiotics may be given.
  • There is NO contraindication for Post Exposure Immunization.
  • By mere washing of wounds, the risk of rabies will reduce by about 50%.
  • This can be done by washing with ordinary soap and water for at least 15 minutes.
  • 15 to 20 percent of dog bite wounds become infected.
  • An early and correct administration of modern vaccine is life saving.
  • A person receiving antirabies immunization can donate blood.
  • Rabies vaccine can be given to a child with chicken pox or measles or jaundice.
  • PEP is required for a person bitten by a vaccinated dog.
  • There is no single dose vaccine or a vaccine that gives lifelong immunity.
  • Day 0 dose should be doubled in patients who seek treatment after a delay of 48 hours, on drugs, such as steroids, antimalarials, anticancer drugs, patients with underlying chronic disease like liver cirrhosis.
  • Pre-exposure (Prebite) vaccination means immunization before the bite.
  • The regimen is three IM injections on days 0, 7 & 28. A booster at one year. After bite, those who have received full Pre-exposure vaccination, only two doses of vaccine at days 0 & 3 are required.
  • RIG is a life saving drug.
  • Protective levels of antibodies are seen 7 to 14 days after the initial dose of vaccine. Thus the patients are vulnerable to develop rabies during this period. RIGs are readymade anti-rabies antibodies which offer immediate protection.
  • RIGs should not be given after day 7.
  • Unboiled milk of a rabid animal may contain rabies virus. There is a risk of humans contracting rabies after having consumed unboiled milk of a rabid animal.
  • Kissing a rabies patient may transmit disease because there may be contact with rabies patient`s saliva.
  • If a person has handled or eaten the raw meat of a rabid animal, he should receive full course of rabies vaccine.
  • In case the mother develops rabies, the foetus is safe.
  • If a vaccinated pet dog dies of sudden unexplained death, then all those who came in its contact, should be given full PEP vaccination.
  • If unvaccinated or partially vaccinated pet dog is bitten by a suspected rabid stray dog, then the pet dog should ideally be put to sleep.
  • It is important to get the pet dog properly vaccinated.

The signs of rabies in dogs/cats are:-

  • Any change in normal behavior suggesting either undue aggression or depression.
  • Running aimlessly and attacking others without provocation.
  • Becomes too drowsy and withdraws to a corner.
  • Change in voice/bark.
  • Excessive salivation.
  • Refusal to feed or eating objects like stone, paper, wood, metal pieces etc.

  • Hydrophobia is not a sign of rabies in dogs. Rabid dogs can drink water and even swim.
  • Rabies can be transmitted to a dog that has eaten the flesh of a dead rabid cow or buffalo.
  • For the dogs and cats, the primary vaccination schedule consists of two doses of vaccine, that is, one dose given at 2 months of age and the second given 1 month later. This is followed by a booster dose of vaccine every year.

Myths about rabies in India:-

  • Some herbal extracts will cure rabies.
  • In rural areas, people also resort to magico-religious practices.
  • Washing of wound can cause hydrophobia.
  • Dietary changes can cure, that is, shift from vegetarianism to non-vegetarianism or vice versa; stopping consumption of white things. etc.
  • A single dose vaccine will prevent rabies.
  • Vaccines are more effective if taken on empty stomach.
  • One should not take bath; eat meat and eggs during vaccination.
  • Gems and stones have magical properties against rabies.