What is Rabies?
Why is Rabies an important disease?
What are the important features of Rabies Virus?
What is a street virus?
What is a fixed virus?
How can rabies virus be inactivated?
Is rabies virus resistant to anything?
Are there any survivors of human rabies?
Name rabies-free countries
How is rabies transmitted?
What are the factors responsible for rabies transmission in man from rabid animals?
How common are animal bites?
Can rabies infection be transmitted through environment?
Can rabies be transmitted from man to man?
Can rabies be transmitted to doctor/assistants conducting postmortem of a person died of rabies?
What are the common animal reservoirs of Rabies?
What is the dog population of India?
Do rat bite cases require rabies vaccination?
What are the most common modes of exposures of rabies virus?
Why a person does not acquire immunity against natural rabies infection, as it occurs in other viral infections?
What is the best known clinical feature of rabies?
What is the incubation period of rabies in humans?
What are the initial (prodromal) symptoms of Rabies?
What are the types of Rabies?
What should be done if there is a human rabies case?
Is there any seasonal variation in dog bite cases?
What are the myths about rabies in India?
Is there any specific treatment for clinical rabies?
What are most dangerous sites of bites/exposure in man?
What does post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) include?
What are the contraindications to post exposure prophylaxis?
Whether washing of animal bite wound(s) is essential?
Can we apply local antibiotics or antimicrobial agents on the site of bite?
Can the animal bite wounds be cauterized?
Whether the dog bite wound should be allowed to bleed, bandaged, or stitched?
Can the wound be deepened for cleaning purpose?
How common are animal bites and infections?
Is there any role of systemic antibiotic treatment for animal bites infections?
How is animal bite wound categorized and what is the importance of categorization?
Is it important to elicit information about biting animal?
What are the various types of modern anti-rabies vaccines?
Does strain of virus used in rabies vaccine play a role in eliciting the required response?
Is there any advantage of PCEC vaccine with Pitman-Moore (PM) strain?
Why do some people fear for vaccine?
A person started with PVRV wants to change over to HDCV or PCECV or PDEV or vice versa. What should be done?
Can modern vaccines be diluted with tetanus toxoid or water or any other diluents and injected?
Can a rabies vaccine be given to a pregnant woman?
Can a lactating mother be given antirabies vaccination?
Is there a one-shot ARV? Is there any ARV that offers lifelong protection?
Whether newborn or neonates or infants require smaller volume/lesser dosage of rabies vaccine?
Can rabies vaccine be given to a child with chicken pox or measles?
Can rabies vaccine be given to HIV or AIDS patient?
Can rabies vaccine be given to a patient with jaundice?
Can a person receiving/completed antirabies immunization, either pre-exposure or post-exposure donate blood?
Can "major surgery" be conducted after the dog bite?
What is "window period"?
What is the criterion for "protection" after immunization?
What is the "potency' of rabies vaccine?
Can modern rabies vaccines be stored at room temperature?
What are the consequences of a vaccine with a higher potency?
What is the post-exposure (WHO ESSEN-IM) Schedule?
Can the vaccine be injected in gluteal region?
If a person is on antimalarials or steroids or taking immunosuppressant drug, what is the schedule?
A previously immunized person is bitten again. What is the re-exposure immunization schedule?
What should be done with a patient who has had exposure but goes for treatment after considerable delay (weeks to months)?
A pregnant woman develops rabies. What should be done?
Is it essential to perform an antibody test on the patient following antirabies vaccination?
Whether observing the dog for 10 days without initiating treatment is risky or justifiable?
Is there carrier state of rabies in dogs?
A patient received two doses of modern vaccine (on days 0 and 3) and the dog was well on days 5 and 7 (third injection due, but not given). However, the dog dies on any day between 8 and 15. What should be done?
How to approach a case of irregularities in treatment schedule, e.g., if patients missed the doses as per the due dates, which means if the schedule is broken?
As there are different strains of rabies viruses in different parts of the worlds, whether all antirabies vaccines are effective against all these strains of viruses?
Is there any dietary restriction during PEP?
What is Pre-exposure vaccination?
What is I.M. pre-exposure vaccination schedule?
What is the importance of pre-exposure vaccination?
Can a pregnant woman be given pre-exposure vaccination?
What drugs are contraindicated during rabies immunizations?
What is the dose and schedule of IDRV?
What is eight-site intradermal regimen ("8-0-4-0-1-1" regimen)?
The IM dose of Verorab (PVRV) and Abhayrab (PVRV) is 0.5mL; that of Rabipur (PCEC) and PVRV (Coonoor) is 1mL. Still is the ID dosage of all vaccines uniformly 0.1mL?
What is the mode of action of IDRV?
Can all available anti-rabies vaccines be used by intra-dermal route?
Can the type of vaccine be interchanged during the course of IDRV?
Can the routes of vaccination IM and ID be used interchangeable?
What should be done if the ID injection fails, that is, spills out or goes subcutaneous?
If for some reason, IDRV cannot be given in deltoid region, what are the alternative sites?
What are the common side effects of intra-dermal rabies vaccination?
What precautions should be taken while vaccinating by IDRV route?
Are there any dietary restrictions during IDRV?
Is sera testing of IDRV patients for antirabies antibodies necessary as a measure of knowing its efficacy?
Whether pregnancy and lactation are contraindications for IDRV?
Is there a need to alter the dose or schedule of any concomitant medication during IDRV?
Can IDRV be given in private hospital?
A previously immunized person is bitten again. What is the re-exposure IDRV schedule?
Can IDRV be given to infants whose skin is thin?
What is the potency requirement of IDRV?
How is RIG life saving?
What are the situations where RIG is indicated?
What are the limitations of Polyclonal Serum (RIG)?
What are the types of RIGs?
How to calculate the total dose of HRIG/ERIG?
What are the various brands of RIG available in India?
When should RIG be administered? What should be the time gap between RIG and vaccination?
What are the precautions to be taken while administering RIGs?
Can RIG and rabies vaccine be administered in the same syringe?
Can RIGs be safely injected into already infected animal bite wounds?
Is it essential to perform skin sensitivity test prior to the administration of ERIG?
How skin sensitivity test is performed?
What are the common adverse reactions to HRIG?
If the skin test is positive to ERIG, what should be done?
How adverse reactions to ERIGs are managed?
How to inject RIGs locally? What is the mode of administration of full dose of RIGs?
Can RIG be given locally to a healed wound?
If RIG is inadequate to infiltrate extensive wounds, what should be done?
If HRIG is not available, can human normal immunoglobulin (polyvalent) be given?
What should be done to a person who has consumed milk of a rabid animal?
Can rabies be transmitted through sexual intercourse?
Does kissing of a rabies patient call for anti-rabies vaccination?
A person has handled or eaten the raw meat of a rabid animal. What should be done?
If the rabid animal`s saliva falls into the eyes, what should be done?
How should you approach a patient requiring RIGs, when none is available?
Do antibodies from rabies vaccination cross an intact blood-brain barrier?
What should be done to a pet dog that is bitten by a stray dog?
We often hear that the patient died of rabies but the biting dog was still alive. Is it possible?
What is the incubation period in animals?
What are the signs of rabies in dogs/cats?
What is the clinical course of rabies in animals?
What are the signs of rabies during the prodromal phase in animals?
What is "furious form" of rabies in animals?
What is "paralytic form" of rabies in animals?
What is the cause of death in a rabid animal?
Is hydrophobia a sign of rabies in dogs?
Are there any variations in signs of rabies between different species of animals?
Should modern rabies vaccines meant for use in man be given to animals?
If vaccination is required for a person bitten by a vaccinated dog, then why vaccinate the dog at all?
Can a vaccinated dog transmit rabies? How effective is dog vaccine?
What is important for the success of Animal Birth Control (ABC) program?
A pet dog died of sudden unexplained death. What should be done?
Does treatment of provoked bites differ from unprovoked bites?
An unvaccinated or partially vaccinated pet dog or cat is bitten by a stray dog. What should be done?
Can unvaccinated pet dog/cat pose danger to the family?
A vaccinated pet dog is bitten by a rabid animal. What should the owner do?
Is age of biting dog important in transmission of rabies?
How should the animal causing the bite be handled?
Can rabies be transmitted to a dog that has eaten the flesh of a dead rabid cow or buffalo?
Can vaccinated dog succumb to rabies following bite by rabid animal?
If the pet is immunized, do family members need pre-exposure vaccination?
When is World Rabies Day observed?
What humanizing your dog means?
What are the rules every dog owner should follow?
Why dogs always keep their mouth open with tongue protruding out?
What is the latest news about Rabies disease?
Can a Rabies patient make a valid will?
What are monoclonal antibodies?
What is the role of monoclonal antibodies in Rabies?
What is Milwaukee protocol?
What are the important websites on Rabies?
Although utmost care is taken to provide updated information through this book, ultimately the decision to treat the patient lies solely with the physician.