
About Dr. A.K. Gupta

Dr. A. K. Gupta graduated from Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi (1973 Batch). He is currently practicing as a Rabies Consultant and Family Physician at Rana Pratap Bagh since 1980.

He is associated with various hospitals like Fortis Hospital, Sunder Lal Jain Hospital, Ashok Vihar, Vinayak Hospital, Derawal Nagar, in North Delhi.

He is Joint Secretary, Association for Prevention and Control of Rabies in India (APCRI)

He is actively associated with Indian Public Health Association (IPHA).

Dr. Gupta has been regularly writing articles on Rabies. He has presented various papers on Rabies at scientific conferences. He is actively engaged in CME programmes on rabies. His articles on Rabies are published in various medical newsletters, DOC N DOC magazine and daily in e-medinews, first national emedical newspaper of India.

He is author of Six books on Rabies (1) "RABIES - the worst death" (2) "FAQs on Rabies" (3) Understanding Rabies (4) Play Safe with Animals (5) Animal Exposures-20 Interesting Cases. (6) WAR - War Against Rabies

These books are available in Delhi Public Library also.

He is currently working on several projects with help from Global Alliance for Rabies Control (GARC) and Association for Prevention and Control of Rabies in India (APCRI). The following are a few of many:-

  • 1. Rabies Education Intervention for Public School Children.
  • 2. Surveillance and Notifiability Campaign

He started "RABIES ON LINE" study course with IMA.

If a dog bites you, just dial 09811045255/contact at guptanift@gmail.com It includes correct assessment of wound(s), guidance about local treatment of wound(s), Anti Rabies Vaccination (ARV): Five intra-muscular injections, Administration of Human Rabies Immunoglobulin (HRIG), Injection Tetanus Toxoid. Pain killers & antibiotics may be given, if required. Facility is also available for testing blood for Rabies Antibodies (EIA). This test checks immunity to rabies virus. Report comes on 7th day. - Dr. A. K. Gupta